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The industrial development of Uttarakhand is limited mainly in the plain area, benefiting  61.5% of people while the rest lives in the hilly region of the state.  The region is highly vulnerable to climate change, with frequent geo-tectonic activities, melting glaciers, cloud bursts, landslides, etc. The state has suffered several incidences of landslides, flash floods, and related disasters, resulting in significant loss of lives and livelihoods impacting the overall economy.


Agriculture in the state is predominantly smallholding agriculture with an average landholding of 0.81 hectares in the hill districts, driven largely by small or marginal farmers. Agriculture in hilly areas is predominantly practiced for subsistence. Agricultural income’s inability to meet rural household needs slow income growth in agriculture, limited industrialization, coupled with infrastructure and connectivity gaps, particularly in the hill districts, have resulted in large scale migration from rural to urban areas and hills to plains

Team DESCATUK is a group of Livelihood experts, textile professionals, fashion designers and marketing professionals working for sustainable lively hood  for the the these communities best known for incredible hand loom products and traditional handicrafts using rich treasures of natural fibers in  a sustainable environment. 

Force Behind Us: Community working with us

Group Leader 

: Dunda Uttarkashii
: Natural Dyed Wolllen Yarn & Carpet
: Gaurav Bist

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